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Les Boutiques Manual v1.0
PDF – 469,3 KB
Les Boutiques Manual v1.1
PDF – 609,3 KB

Les Boutiques

Have you ever wanted a Prince of Tone? A Klon? A Timmy?

Wouldn't it be a dream to own all 3 of them? Well you can! 

The first full pedal from Lithium Grim Pedals based on all 3 of those mythical pedals put in a nifty 1590DD.

It features all the stock settings as found on the originals, but things do not stop there!

Just some extra switchable features:

  • External clipping selection 
  • 9V/18V using a single standard 9V adapter
  • Extra Gain and Bass
  • Optional Effect order switch to switch effect 1 and 3 in the chain (1-2-3 to 3-2-1)
  • Internal (a-) symmetrical clipping dip switches


It is a fully tricked out pedal but still easy enough to use on stage as "set and forget" or to simply change settings during play. A real musicians workhorse!


Customers can order custom versions with their selection of diodes (D9E, 1N34A, MA858, 1SS133, 1N4148, etc, etc) and/or their own background image printed on the pedal.


All hand built in Holland!


Stock effect (all 1N4148 and new 1N60 diodes)    €285,00 

NOS diodes (MA858, 1S1588, D9E, 1N4148)       + €25,00

Custom enclosure background (vectorized!)       + €60,00

Internal Effects Order switcher                               + €25,00


Contact me for ordering and requests.




The Mayer Drive

Johns pedalboard changed a lot through the years, but some standards keep coming back.

The backbone of his drive sound consists of a Katana Clean Boost for leveling his guitar level followed by a TS-10 into the Klon Centaur.

Usually those pedals are out of reach for the mere mortal. Untill now!

I bring you "The Mayer Drive" consisting of all 3 pedals in one enclosure.

Made of all the original parts like NOS Motorola 2N5484's in the Katana, D9E/1N34A with  handpicked forwarding voltages in the Klon, 1SS1588 original Panasonic diodes and 2SC1815 in the TS-10.


All effects can be played either Stock or with mods by internal DIP switches:

  • Internal Effect order Switch (Katana -> TS-10 or TS-10 -> Katana)
  • Switchable between V1 or V2 specs (Katana)
  • Symmetrical and A-symmetrical clipping by adding a 1N4001 (TS-10)
  • Fat switch (TS-10)
  • High Gain (TS-10)
  • Extra Headroom by switching to 18 V (TS-10)
  • Fat switch (Klon)
  • Germanium, None or Silicon clipping diodes (Klon)
  • Extra Bass (Klon)


All hand built in Holland!


Stock effect                                                                €285,00 

Custom enclosure background (vectorized!)       + €60,00


Contact me for ordering and requests.




Purple Vibe

Who does not know the iconic Shin-Ei Univibe. I bring you a true to the original (as possible) recreation with multiple modern twists.

You don't like shenanigans and want to keep it original? Just put voice 1 and 2 to position 1 and buffer to vintage and you got it set as a Shin-Ei.

Internally it uses a real 18V lightbulb with 4 photoresistors, a light shield and a cancel footswitch like in the original.

However, if you like to get more out of it, start experimenting with the different settings! The voice knobs are there to use different other univibe capacitor configurations.

  1. Shin-Ei Univibe
  2. VooDoo Vibe
  3. Resley Tone
  4. Phaser

And the fun part is that you can combine different settings for whacky tones.


All Features:

  • Optional input buffer to compensate for the volume drop as in the original.
  • 2 voice knob to select your tasty personal capacitor combination for ultimate vibing.
  • Internal pots and voltage selection for ultimate personalisation (use with care)


All hand built in Holland!


Stock effect                                                                €295,00 

Custom enclosure background (vectorized!)       + €60,00


Contact me for ordering and requests.




Have Mercy

Based on the Bogner La Grange, which is a combination of a Zvex Box of Rock, Clock of Tone and a Zvex Super Hard On Boost/Landgraff. I added an extra presence level, an extra structure option and some internal switches so you can change the effects to a stock BOR, stock COT and switch the effectorder (Boost first or last).


All hand built in Holland!


Stock effect                                                                €185,00 


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